ગુજરાતી સાહિત્ય અકાદમી
રમણીકભાઈ શાહ એમના “Empire’s Child” પુસ્તક વિશે વાત કરશે.
શનિવાર, 17 ઑક્ટોબર 2020 ના રોજ 14:00 (યુ.કે.) / 18:30 (ભારત) કલાકે
ગૂગલ મીટ લિન્કઃ https://meet.google.com/goj-wsws-wjs
Ramnik Shah is a critic and commentator and over the years has written extensively in various legal journals, national newspapers and elsewhere on, among other things, migration and diaspora-related issues. Although now long retired from professional practice as an English solicitor, he continues to pen articles, blogs, book and film reviews and other material in different forums. He is on the editorial board of Bloomsbury Professional’s Journal of Immigration Asylum and Nationality Law and a regular columnist and contributor in AwaaZ, a cultural magazine published in Nairobi, Kenya.
બેઠકની રૂપરેખા બિડેલા પત્રકમાં [ PDF ] આમેજ છે.