Gujarati Literary Academy [U.K.]
In association with
Gujarat Vidyapith [Ahmedabad]
Requests the honour of your benign presence to attend and participate
In the Inauguration of Diaspora Centre
& Opening Address by
Prof Uma Dhupelia-Mesthrie
Umabahen is Emerita Professor, Department of History, University of the Western Cape. She is
known for her work on India-South Africa connected histories and is a renowned writer.
– : Subject : –
Gandhi’s Phoenix Settlement: A Window into Indentured
Labour, the Diaspora and Heritage Keeping
(ગાંધીની ફિનિક્સ વસાહત : ગિરમીટિયું, ડાયસ્પોરા અને વારસાની સાંચવણ રાખતી બારી)
Saturday, 01 October 2022 at 14.00 hours BST
[India : 18.30 • South Africa : 15.00 • U.S.A : East Coast : 09.00; West Coast : 06.00; Australia : 23.00 ]
The link for this session:
(Meeting ID: 885 3881 0920)
Further details of the programme is provided in the attached [ PDF ].